We are a traditional family business in the second generation and with our young team of employees we offer a first-class basis for developing commitment, allowing creativity to flourish and promoting technical know-how.
With the position as a manufacturing company in the field of plastic and metal processing and the focus on additive manufacturing, we are always looking for committed employees, especially in the technical and non-technical area.
It doesn't matter whether it's training, studying or nothing, what counts is commitment and the will to learn something new.
We are also happy to offer interns and students the opportunity to gain a deeper insight into our company, for example for student traineeships or research assistants. Since we have a very dynamic company orientation, there are always many investigations and new challenges in all areas, so there is a lot of leeway here.
We are always looking for new and motivated employees who will grow with us and face the challenges that arise in everyday life with confidence.
Please send us your application documents as a single pdf file by email. Please use the following email address and enter the job title in the subject line: info@launhardtgmbh.de